F: Fantastic
R: Relationship
I: Inviting
E: Exciting
N: Non-stop
D: Delight

Your friendship is a Blank Cheque for me.
It's an asset not a liability;
Always a credit and never a debit;
Always a profit not a loss;
And I hope it never bounces!......................sms for best friend

A friend is:
A push when you have stopped;
A chat when you are lonely;
A guide when you are searching;
A smile when you are sad;
And a song when you are glad!

Din Aate Hai, Din Jate Hai
Kuch Lamhe Aap K Bin Guzar Nahi Pate Hai
Inhi Lamho Ko Samet K DekhuTo
Aap Jaise Nalayak Dost Bahot Yaad Aate Hai.

Teachers are Hot Water;
Parents are Mineral Water;
Enemies are Salt Water;
Lovers are Rose Water;
But friends are Soda Water!
Cheers to friendship!......................sms for best friend

We meet 3 types of friends in our lifetime:
1. Friends for a reason
2. Friends for a season
3. Friends for a lifetime.....................best friendship jokes

I checked my pocket and I found coins;
I checked my wallet and I found rupees;
But when I checked my heart, I found a friends like you;
And then I realized about my riches!

One generally makes 10 friends;
Laughs with 9;
Talks regularly to 8;
Meets 7;
Celebrates with 6;
Loyal to 5;
Parties with 4;
Holidays with 3;
Cries with 2;
But only trusts 1!....................friends jokes in english

I can't find a reason why life introduced me to you.
But that's not the question. The question is as to how life knew that I needed a friend like you!

A best friend knows when you are sad;
A best friend knows when you are mad;
A best friend knows when you are crying;
A best friend knows when you are lying!

Always try to spend few seconds with your friends even if you are busy;
Because one day you can get free time;
But not your friends back.

Treat your friends and your money the same;
They both are hard to make and easy to lose.

A real friend:
Cares like a Mom;
Scolds like a Dad;
Teases like a Sister;
Irritates like a Brother;
And loves more than a lover!

Once again ur msg tone will ring & u look at ur phone,
expection a msg from someone special, but so sad its just this stupid old friend again who misses u....

Best "stand" is undr"stand"
Best "age" is colle"age"
Best "work" is hard"work"
Best "day" is to"day"
Never "end" is fri"end......................sms for best friend

Ur father guides
Ur mother cares
Ur brother shares
Ur sister loves...
But a true friend does all. Be a true friend......................sms for best friend forever

When life becomes lonely just call ur best friend and shout
How dare i feel like this
when you are on earth...!!

S- Supports u!
P- Prays for u!
E- Encourages u!
C- Cares for u!
I- Inspires u!
A- Advices u!
L- Loves u!
Hope we remain SPECIAL always!!!

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